We Keep Top Notch Materials
Highest quality materials provide highest quality products

Vero Ultra
Superior opacity, color uniformity, contrast and sharpness.The opaque colors enable the perfect simulation of high-quality injection molded parts. These colors allow the creation of highly professional full color models, with realistic finishes while providing strong color contrast and color separation. Super realistic labels, graphics or text can be added to the model to simulate silkscreen printing or printed stickers.
Vero Vivid Color
Full Vivid ColorThe VeroVivid family adds striking color to all parts and prototypes. The ability to simulate over 500,000 colors and unlimited tints provides unique full color capabilities to prototypes of all kinds.Digital Material PossibilitiesWhen combined as digital materials with other PolyJet materials like VeroWhite, VeroUltraClear, or the Agilus30 family the possibilities become endless. Create color in multiple shore values, simulating finishes, creating realistic packaging, or life like medical parts.
Draft Grey
For Concept ApplicationsDraftGrey is a rigid material used exclusively with the Super High Speed print mode for concept modeling. Models will have a medium opacity and smooth finish.Cost-Effective High Speed PerformancePrinting at 2x the speed of High Speed mode with a 57 microns layer thickness, DraftGrey is the cheapest and fastest way to model on PolyJet printers.
Digital ABS Plus
Digital ABS Plus creates realistic, precise parts & tools with improved mechanical & thermal performance, suitable for range of applications. Digital ABS Plus creates realistic, precise parts and tools that are tough and heat resistant. Designed to simulate durable production plastics, Digital ABS Plus delivers high impact strength with high-temperature resistance and superior finish.
Vero Ultra Clear
VeroUltraClear simulates acrylic, achieving 95% light transmission of that material, and is useful for prototypes of glass, clear polymers, or transparent packaging.
Vero Contact Clear
Vero™ContactClear 3D printing material that offers a rigid transparent rapid prototyping material that is biocompatible. The material is allowed for proof of concepts and prototypes requiring skin or mouth contact.
Elastico is a superior rubber-like PolyJet photopolymer family ideal for advanced design verification and rapid prototyping. Get more durable, tear-resistant prototypes that can stand up to repeated flexing and bending. With a Shore A value of 45 in clear and black, Elastico accurately simulates the look, feel and function of rubber-like products. 3D print rubber surrounds, over-molds, soft-touch coatings, living hinges, jigs and fixtures, wearables, grips and seals with improved surface texture.
Support Materials

Gel-like breakaway support for mechanical removal by hand or waterjet. Reinforcement - internal rigid grid.
Water soluble support for fast, hands-free removal with standard or countertop dishwasher or by submerging in a vessel filled with regular tap water (preferred solution for delicate and intricate parts with internal cavities). Reinforcement - no grid. Suitable for use with L2S™ powder for a simple solution to wastewater disposal.